Learn To Code With A Software Engineer As Your Mentor!

My name is Tj Oyeniyi and I'm a self-taught Software Engineer that's here to help you learn to code and get hired as a Software Engineer.


In this heavily project-based coding bootcamp, you'll learn frontend web development with JavaScript and React JS while building 30+ websites and web applications from scratch!

You will work 1-on-1 with a mentor as your tutor whenever you need help, and you'll also have an accountability partner that you meet with weekly to help you stay focused and committed to learning to code.


Project-based coding curriculum so you practice building websites and web applications from scratch.

1-on-1 tutoring sessions (video) over Zoom whenever you need help.

Accountability partner that you'll meet with weekly to help you stay committed.

Entry-level job postings shared with you every month.

24/7 email support so you can always ask for help when you need.


M O D U L E 1


The foundational technologies for building websites are HTML and CSS. HTML is used to define the content on the website (everything you see) and CSS is used to style that content.

In this module, you’ll build THREE websites of your own with me there to help you whenever you get stuck.

M O D U L E 2

The Command Line, Git And Github

The Command Line is used to navigate the files and folders on your computer without using your mouse.

Git is used to track and save changes to your code as you're working on it, so you can publish it in Github where your coding portfolio will be stored for recruiters and hiring managers to see.

M O D U L E 3


JavaScript is a programming language used to make websites interactive. For example, all those popups, slide-outs, drag and drop, etc. that you see on websites, that’s JavaScript doing that.

It’s also used to build web applications (ex: Facebook web), desktop applications (ex: Discord, Slack, Microsoft Teams) and mobile applications (ex: apps in App Store or Google Play Store).

Learning JavaScript gives you the ability to build anything you want. This module is full of JavaScript algorithm practice problems.

M O D U L E 4

JavaScript Projects

In this module, you will take a deeper dive into JavaScript by combining everything you’ve learned so far into building 10 JavaScript applications!

These applications will integrate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based on the project requirements.

This module will help you get comfortable going from idea in your head to being able to build a working software application by yourself, with me there to help you when you have questions.

M O D U L E 5

React JS

React JS is the most popular JavaScript library on the job market, which is why this program focuses on it.

In this module, you will take a deep dive into React JS, with numerous projects to help you solidify your knowledge and have a coding portfolio ready to show hiring managers.

M O D U L E 6

Interview Prep

In this module, we’re going to start working on preparing you for the job search by: updating your resume to make it more technical, showing you how to apply to jobs online, sending you entry-level software engineering jobs to apply to each month, conducting mock interviews to help you prepare for the technical interview process, and so much more!



How long is the program?

The coding bootcamp takes no more than 5 months to finish, but you have 12 months to finish the program and work with me as your mentor once you sign up. If you need more time, you can extend your access on a monthly basis. Here's a timeline of how long it should take you in each module, if you're able to consistently study 2-5 hours a day, 5-7 days a week, and ask for help sooner rather than later (rule of thumb: ask for help after spending an hour stuck on something):
Module 1: HTML & CSS -> 1 month
Module 2: Git & The Command Line -> 1 month
Module 3: JavaScript -> 1 month
Module 4: JavaScript Projects -> 1 month
Module 5: React JS -> 1 month

What will I learn in this bootcamp?

You'll learn to build frontend web applications with JavaScript and React JS. The "frontend" is everything you see when you go to a website, and React JS is the most popular JavaScript library/technology that most companies use on the frontend.

You'll also learn how to explain technical concepts out-loud because this is how hiring managers gauge if you actually know how to code, your ability to talk about code.

Do I need a college degree?

No, you don’t need a college degree. As long as you have the right projects on your portfolio, and practice talking outloud about code, you’ll be ready for a software engineering job. I’ll be helping you with all of that.

What is the refund policy?

If you cancel within 7 days of when you signed up, you’ll receive a partial refund of 90% (percent) of the total you've paid within 7 business days of submitting your refund request.

Can I upgrade packages?

Yes, you can start with a lower-priced package and upgrade later by paying the difference between the two packages. Discuss that with me once you’ve signed up for more details.  

How does the program work?

This is a self-paced, online program with interactive coding tutorials, tutorial videos, and numerous projects to help you solidify what you’re learning. Those projects go on your coding portfolio as well.

Whenever you need help, you can email me or schedule a 1-on-1 tutoring session with me. We'll be having bi-weekly group sessions with other students in the program to help hold you accountable.

Once you finish the coding portion of the program, we'll switch to the interview prep portion where I’ll be preparing you for the job search and doing mock interviews to help you practice, and much more.


How will I get a job?

I’ll be showing you how to search for jobs, showing you what websites to use, how to follow up with your application so a real human sees it, helping you update your resume to make it more technical, helping you create a cover letter template for online applications, and doing 3 mock interviews to help you prepare for the interview process. Once you finish the program you’ll be able to apply for coding jobs with job titles such as: software engineer, software developer, frontend developer, web developer, etc.  

Will I get a certificate after finishing the program?

Yes, you will be receiving a certificate once you finish this program.

But keep in mind, hiring managers don't care about bootcamp certificates. No, they care about two things: the projects on your coding portfolio AND your ability to talk outloud about your code, which is how they gauge whether or not you really understand the technologies you're using.

You'll get plenty of practice explaining your code outloud to me in this program so you'll be ready by the time you start interviews.

Meet Tj.

The founder of ROOTs Technology.

I remember the exact day I decided to become a software engineer: I had to beg for a salary increase from $37,500 to $39,998 a year.

I asked for $40,000 so I was pissed about the $2 they left off and that was the defining moment for me.

I decided right then and there that I would learn to code and become a software engineer because the tech field paid a lot better and was remote-friendly.

Fast forward and the first year my income went from $39,998/yr as a business analyst to $75,000/yr as a self-taught Software Engineer. Two years later and I was making well over $125,000/yr because of the process I’m teaching now in my ROOTs Technology Coding and Career Prep Program.

If you're fed up like I was, use that as your motivation to make a career change and start learning to code now!

Are you ready to commit to learning to code?

Do you have a working laptop or computer?

Do you have stable internet connection?

Can you commit to studying 1-2 hours a day, 3-5 days a week?

If you answered "YES" to all three of those questions, then you're ready to start learning to code!

Start Learning to Code NOW

Basic Package

  • Access to coding curriculum, projects, and video library
  • 24/7 Email support
  • 12 tutoring sessions
  • Bi-weekly accountability check-ins
  • Sent 10 entry-level software engineering jobs monthly
  • 3 Practice technical interviews
  • Resume and cover letter assistance


Payment Options

Plus Package

  • Access to coding curriculum, projects, and video library
  • 24/7 Email support
  • 20 tutoring sessions
  • Bi-weekly accountability check-ins
  • Sent 10 entry-level software engineering jobs monthly
  • 3 Practice technical interviews
  • Resume and cover letter assistance


Premium Package

  • Access to coding curriculum, projects, and video library
  • 24/7 Email Support
  • 24 tutoring sessions
  • Bi-weekly accountability check-ins
  • Sent 10 entry-level software engineering jobs monthly
  • 3 Practice technical interviews
  • Resume and cover letter assistance
